Forget Me Not Posted on 13 May 23:17 , 2 comments
Gorgeous buttons for all to see, how will anyone forget about me?
Buttons elevate your game. Whether they are on your stunning hat, your fashion forward shoulder shawl, or your to-die-for lace collar, you are making your mark. You are a fashion force to be reckoned with and a vision to be remembered. Hold that thought while you strut your stuff. And complement those head-turning buttons with your best secret smile...forget me not (inaudible whisper).
Onie on
Finally opened my gmail account and saw you last post.
Love the beautiful heirlooms you’ve created. It’s fun
to see buttons from my collection !
I’ve been staying with my son in Florida since March, 2015,
going back to Minot only twice. Jay moved from NYC to
Punta Gorda, Florida in December, 2014 and invited me to
visit. Then decided, “why go home and live alone? Stay
with me, I’m alone, too.” So I did. LOVE it here :)
He found a nice house to rent, 5 minutes from his work,
on a “no outlet” street, corner lot, lots of trees and sun,
as well as a pool ! Hope you are well, and doing well
with your new venture.
Love, Onie
Mary on
Just fabulous!